Omega McKinnon

Success as a Teen Parent

December 2014

Omega McKinnon’s mother was not able to raise her so her grandmother took care of her and her siblings. Her father was busted for selling drugs when she was younger which caused major strife in her life and she became pregnant in the tenth grade.

Omega attended Allen Jay Middle School and transferred to Dudley Academy. At Dudley high school Omega became pregnant at the end of her sophomore year. Her involvement in Communities In Schools of Greater Greensboro® had a great impact on her life. CISGG reminded Omega that she could aspire to her dreams as a teen parent. CISGG was there for Omega alongside her grandmother. This gave Omega confidence that she could be a successful teen parent.

Being a teen mom was hard but Omega ended up graduating in the top 10% of her class. She went on to attend North Carolina State where she entered as a sophomore as a result of having taken NC A&T college courses her senior year of high school. When she got to NC A&T, CISGG was still present in Omega’s life. CISGG helped her to obtain a job as an intern working at the State office. Omega finished her first year having made the Dean’s List. Omega finished her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and went on to complete her Master’s degree in Public Administration from NC Central University.

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